Cities with Greatest Access to Green Space, Parks - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

Cities with Greatest Access to Green Space, Parks

Americans have shown a greater appreciation for the outdoors since the pandemic, and cities that show their connection to green space may have an advantage in attracting buyers.

The team at K Van Bourgondien, a nationwide gardening and plantings provider, sought to highlight the green in the nation’s cities. It looked at the 50 largest U.S. cities to find which ones offer the best access to parks and green spaces. To find out how your city ranks, visit for a list of all 50 cities. The rankings break down each metro area by the percentage of land used for recreation as well as the percentage of residents within a 10-minute walk to a park.

Source: “The U.S. Cities With the Best Access to Green Space,” (May 14, 2021)

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