Outdoor Kitchens Continue to be Major Draw - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

Outdoor Kitchens Continue to be Major Draw

The appeal of outdoor living continues to be important to homeowners, and the outdoor kitchen is at the center of that. The latest American Institute of Architects Home Design Trends Survey shows that outdoor kitchens are among the most wanted kitchen features in new architectural projects.

Nearly 50% of the architect respondents surveyed reported the popularity of outdoor kitchens is still growing. The popularity is seen in markets across the country, and not just in warmer climates like Florida, Texas, and California—outdoor kitchens are also taking hold in colder areas like the Northeast.

“Thanks to today’s design trends and technological advancements, the lines between indoor and outdoor kitchens are blurring—and in some cases disappearing completely,” Mitch Slater, founder and CEO of Danver Stainless Outdoor Kitchens and Brown Jordan Outdoor Kitchens, told BUILDER. “While it’s now possible to maintain the same aesthetic for indoor and outdoor kitchens, it’s crucial to choose durable, low-maintenance materials that will withstand exposure to rain, snow, and the elements.”

Slater says that powder-coated stainless steel cabinetry remains a popular choice for outfitting outdoor kitchens.

Also, it’s not just barbecues and grills that are highlighting outdoor kitchen spaces any longer. Specialty appliances are also appearing in more outdoor kitchens, such as pizza ovens; smokers; drawer-style, undercounter refrigerators; kegerators; and wine refrigerators.

Source: “Outdoor Kitchen Spaces Spark Interest Across the Country,” BUILDER (Aug. 15, 2019) and the American Institute of Architect

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