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REALTORS: 5 Ways to Up Your Facebook Popularity

Many real estate professionals leverage Facebook for keeping in touch with clients. It’s no wonder why: Facebook has more than 1 billion daily active users. But with so many posts competing for your network’s attention, how do you get them to notice you and engage with you more? columnist Mike Templeman recently offered up several ideas, including:Share more content: Gather and share the best content related to your industry from ot

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REALTORS: Help Clients Keep Rising Rates in Perspective

Since the presidential election, mortgage rates have risen from 3.5 percent to about 4.2 percent, increasing the borrowing costs of would-be home buyers.The rates are rising on the expectations of greater business activity and a stronger economy. But the good economic prospects may come at a price to home buyers.Nevertheless, make sure your clients keep perspective. In the 1970s, the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 8.9 percent; in the 198

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Millennial first-time homeowners are showing more willingness than previous generations to complete do-it-yourself projects around the house or wait until they can afford to make the improvements they desire, a new survey by Better Homes & Gardens magazine shows. Fifty percent of those surveyed say that at move-in, their current home’s conditions require some degree of repair or remodeling.They’re showing some compromise in their first ho

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How Old Is Your State's Housing Stock?

The nation’s housing stock is quickly aging. The median age of an owner-occupied home rose to 37 years in 2015, up from 31 years a decade ago, according to the latest data from the 2015 American Community Survey. As of 2015, more than half of the housing stock in the U.S. was built prior to 1980. Thirty-eight percent of the homes were built prior to 1970. Meanwhile, homes constructed after 2000 comprise 19 percent of the housing stock.“This h

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Where Land Surpasses Property Values

In some markets, the land is more valuable than the home that stands on it.Case in point, in San Francisco’s Sunset District, a fire destroyed a home for sale leaving it inhabitable. Despite that, last February, the home sold quickly for just under $1 million. Seven months later, the home was transformed into a four-bedroom home and sold for $1.77 million.In San Francisco, land is a premium, and buyers often pay more for the land than the home

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VALENTINE: Give a Unique Gift this Valentine's Day!

Now's the time to start on your own personalized song for your Valentine. Consider this unique gift that y'all will enjoy for a lifetime!Currently on sale for only $49! Includes custom written lyrics along with a vocal and guitar (at minimum) recording burned to CD and framed. Place your order before it's too late!

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REALTORS: 5 Home Design Needs for Your Boomer Clients

The number of home buyers ages 55 and older is expected to grow over the next decade, and builders across the country are ramping up to serve them. At the International Builders' Show in Orlando, Fla., this week, the National Association of Home Builders is educating attendees about how to support the industry's efforts to cater to this segment of the market.In one session, Deryl Patterson, president of Housing Design Matters in Jacksonville, Fl

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Security Firm Issues Fraud Warning to Agents

A security company has issued a warning to real estate professionals about a growing scheme in which criminals are hacking into their emails and sending messages to their clients to wire down payment funds to fraudulent accounts.Information security firm SANS cites an example of the "business email compromise" scheme from an email an agent recently forwarded to the company. The email was a seemingly typical exchange with a potential buyer who exp

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REALTORS: 6 Things Your Buyers Are Stressed About

Do you know the pain points your buyers are most concerned about when it comes to purchasing a home? A new TD Bank survey of 135 real estate professionals nationwide reveals six stressors that are causing their clients the most anxiety: Confusion around paperwork required: 31.85% Unexpected costs: 22.22% Concerns over financing: 21.48% Appraisal and inspection: 11.85% Meeting and closing date: 6.67% Credit approval: 5.93%To better support your cl

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Builders Predict Big Expansion in Construction

Construction of single-family homes is expected to gradually rise this year, as a growing economy, solid employment gains, and rising household formation buoys builders' forecasts.Last year, the National Association of Home Builders projected 1.16 million total housing starts in 2016, which was up nearly 5 percent from the previous year. Now NAHB is forecasting a 10 percent increase in single-family production for 2017 and a 12 percent rise for 2

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